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Meredith's Story


Meredith McArthur gets things done — with style and passion. And her long association with the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba exemplifies just that! 


Born and raised in Winnipeg, Meredith graduated from the University of Manitoba with a degree in Home Economics. She worked for Eaton’s department store, married husband Brian, a financial planner, and then chose to work as a full time homemaker. 


In 1987, a friend invited Meredith to join one of the then five hospital Guilds — groups of volunteers that supported the Hospital Foundation in different ways. She had four small children by then but wanted to join an organization that would help the wider community. Join she did and she’s never looked back. 


Meredith first helped with special events and, in her words, “met some truly wonderful volunteers.”  Her positive experience encouraged her to do more. She served the Children’s Hospital Book Market as both an executive member for ten years and as chairperson for two. She then went on to lead her own Guild, eventually chairing the committee that oversaw the amalgamation of all Guilds into one in 2010. She served as first chair of the newly amalgamated Children’s Hospital Guild of Manitoba and represented it on the Foundation’s Board. She even chaired the Foundation Board for two years. And no surprise to those who knew her, Meredith undertook everything exceptionally well.   


Today, she remains active in the Hospital Guild. An avid sewer, she works with a group of up to twenty who make quilts, pajamas, and book bags for older children at the hospital. Not only has the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba benefited directly from Meredith’s skills and expertise, so have many of the children whom the Foundation serves. 


Meredith and her husband have financially supported the Foundation for years. And last year, when updating their wills, Brian said “And of course we must remember the Children’s Hospital Foundation.” Given Meredith’s active involvement and knowledge of both the Hospital and the Foundation’s outstanding work, it was an easy decision to make.  


Meredith’s future gift is undesignated. She has complete confidence the Foundation will use her gift where the need is greatest at the time. She is particularly interested in seeing the hospital continues its ongoing research into childhood diseases through its Research Institute.


To someone considering a gift in their estate plans to the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba, Meredith McArthur is clear. “Oh, please do it! The Hospital strives daily to provide excellent health care and is making real advances in medicine through ongoing research. Their goal is to have all children well, happy and on the road to becoming healthy, functioning adults. Legacy gifts will make that happen.”



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